The home of California’s first BDAs. The initial three structures were built in 2014 with additional structures constructed in 2017. This site sits amongst the Scott River Tailings reach which has been heavily impacted by legacy mining in 1930-1950s. Beaver occupy this site and have fully taken responsibility for maintenance of one of structures and have constructed their own dam, without our help, within the project reach.
On a hot day, July 24, 2014, SRWC and its project partners, Dr. Michael Pollock from NOAA, Mr. Mark Cookson from USFWS and Scott Valley Landowners, began a project that would change the course of history for the Scott River Coho Salmon population. California’s first beaver dam analogue was installed at the site which is now supports the annual rearing of thousands of juvenile Coho Salmon and is also the home of a robust population of beaver. It has also provided an outdoor learning laboratory for many, including two graduate students from Humboldt State University.
During the fall of 2021, SRWC hosted a BDA workshop aimed at giving other restoration practitioners hands-on experiences in building BDAs. People from across the state gathered for this three day event and four additional structures were constructed at this site. See video of one of the BDAs being constructed below. This series of BDAs was funded by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.
Monitoring activities include fish utilization, surface and groundwater elevations, stream temperature, dissolved oxygen, riparian vegetation, change in habitat abundance, macroinvertebrate production and beaver activity.
Over the years the project has been funded by the United States Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS), National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Bella Vista Foundation, Coho Enhancement Fund (CEF) administered by National Fish & Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), Humboldt State University (HSU), California Department of Fish & Wildlife (CDFW), SRWC , countless hours of volunteer hours and of course, our rodent friends, the beaver. This project is located on private land.