The main program’s objective is to give Siskiyou County youth the opportunity to gain field experience in natural resource and environment science work and to increase their understanding of the importance of creating a culture within rural landscapes to foster good watershed stewardship.
SRWC has partnered with various other organizations in order to offer this amazing program. Our project partners include the Klamath National Forest, Salmon River Restoration Council, Quartz Valley Indian Reservation, the Bigfoot Alliance, Coastal Conservancy, California Department of Fish and Wildlife and other NGOs within the Klamath Basin such as the Mid Klamath Watershed Council and the Watershed Science and Training Center.
Program’s Overarching Learning Goals and Objectives:
- Natural resource field skills; leadership skills; communication skills. All these activities are designed to enhance:
- Increase critical thinking skills
- Develop evaluative criteria
- Display best work
- Exhibit growth and mastery of newly obtained knowledge
- Self-reflection and career path exploration
- Exit the program with tangible evidence of work. Interns keep a daily journal to document their learning, highlight concepts of interest to them, note their reactions to their field and classroom activities, and reflect on the challenges in practicing leadership and communication skills.
Season Photos from 2017-2023

Funder | Contract # | Start Date | End Date | Funding Source | Land Ownership | Award Amount |
United States Forest Service | 18-CS-11050500-026 | 6/1/22 | 5/1/27 | Federal | N/A | $93,616 |
California Coastal Commission | GF-WT-23-24 | 4/1/24 | 9/20/25 | State | N/A | $20,000 |
Outdoor Equity Program | C5054185 | 7/1/21 | 76/30/27 | State | N/A | $88,645 |